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  • SAWADA, Maiko; When the Flowers Bloom- March Exhibtion. 

SAWADA, Maiko; When the Flowers Bloom- March Exhibtion. 

Nanohana  (Above) Nagoya Obi, Platinum Boy Silk
Butterfly in Flowers (Below) Nagoya Obi

both by Sawada Maiko

Five years since her second solo exhibition in 2019, a new sprout of inspiration in Sawada Maiko's heart blossoms into full bloom. Come and enjoy the seasonal flowers, imprinted into the textiles, and the fresh breeze of kataezome.

Take a closer look at all items.

Gallery Talk 

(Japanese Only)
Saturday March 23 10-11am
Ginza Motoji Waori Wasen


Exhibited Items; Talk in Detail

(Japanese Only)
Sunday March 24th from 2-2.30pm
Ginza Motoji Waori Wasen


Meet the Artist

Sawada Maiko will be instore from 11 to 6 on the 22nd, 23rd, and 24th.


About Sawada Maiko

connected by the red thread of fate.


型絵染 澤田麻衣子展 ~花の香るとき~

Born in Niigata Prefecture, Sawada Maiko began working in a Kyo-Bingata studio in Kyoto after graduating university. For 20 years she honed her skills as a katazome dyer before going independent in 2017. She now works from her studio in Kyoto.
Sawada was selected to exhibit her work "Summer Haze" in the 51st Japanese Traditional Craft Exhibition. She has also had her first solo exhibition as an independent artists at Ginza Motoji Waori Wasen in 2017.
Sawada says that she imagines herself being "connected by the red thread of fate" to each wearer of her work as she creates.
From the design, to the hand cutting of the stencils, Sawada creates work this feels organic and fresh just like the flowers she depicts. Her work feels stylishly feminine, and hugely popular with women of all ages. 

Work for this exhibiton by Sawada Maiko

Kataezome Kyusun Nagoya Obi「Nanohana」

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Kataezome Kyusun Nagoya Obi「Butterfly in Flowers」

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Kataezome Kyusun Nagoya Obi Tsumugi「Venus in the Western Sky」

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Kataezome Kyusun Nagoya Obi Tsumugi「Cosmos」

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