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  • 山岸幸一(やまぎしこういち
    YAMAGISHI, Koichi.)

山岸幸一 紬織



銀座もとじ和織 2011年、2012年、2014年、2017年、2019年、2021年個展開催

Tsumugi Weaving

Despite snow falling in the depths of winter, Yamagishi Koichi can be found at the crack of dawn washed handspun silk threads dyed with safflower dye in an ice cold river.

Tucked away in the depths of the often snowy Yonezawa mountains, Yamagishi Koichi faces the four seasons in all of their might. Water, Wind, and Sunlight, that was the reason he chose his current location Akakuzure. Unlike many other kimono makers, Yamagishi handles every single process in the making of his kimono from start to finish. From raising silk worms, to hand spinning each silk thread, he then dyes these threads with dyes he has made from plants and trees he has raised himself. If that wasn’t enough, he then designs the kimono, and hand weaves each kimono from start to finish.

The founder of Ginza Motoji, Motoji Koumei first met Yamagishi in 1995 at the Japanese Craft Exhibition. He fell in love with not only his spectacular work but also with Yamagishi's passion for kimono and way of life. Motoji was struck by the softness and purity of the cloth, and four years later Motoji finally began stocking Yamagishi's kimono in the store. He was so happy that he cried and cried. This was followed by Yamagishi's first solo exhibition in Ginza Motoji in 2002. Nearly twenty years later in 2001 he had held 15 solo exhibitions.

Solo exhibitions were held at Ginza Motoji in 2011, 2012, 2014, 2017, 2019, and 2021.

Work was displayed at Ginza Motoji's 35th anniversary exhibition in 2015 and later at the 40th anniversary exhibition in 2020.

1946年 米沢市生まれ
1973年 山崎青樹氏に師事
1975年 最上川源流 米沢市大字赤崩に工房開設
1980年 伝統工芸新作展初入選 以降入選入賞多数
1990年 NHK番組で紅花寒染が紹介される
1992年 「寒染」商標登録
1994年 NHK番組「おはよう日本」で寒染を紹介される
1995年 伝統工芸新作展日本工芸会東日本支部賞受賞
1996年 重要無形文化財保持者北村武資「羅」の伝承者養成研究会参加
1998年 日本工芸会正会員に認定
2000年 日本伝統工芸展奨励賞受賞(文化庁買上)、伝統工芸新作展監審査員
2003年 「春来夢」商標登録(黄金繭色素染)
2006年 新品種登録(農林水産大臣)最上川源流白い紅花「保光」
2010年 テレビ朝日「徹子の部屋」出演
2021年 NHK番組「美の壺‐いのち宿る 草木染め」出演
2023年 第43回 伝統文化ポーラ賞「地域賞」受賞