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  • 山田貢(やまだみつぎ

山田貢 友禅

重要無形文化財保持者(人間国宝)・日本工芸会 正会員


銀座もとじ和染 2015年人間国宝の染と織展


Bold compositions and masterful execution,
Yamada’s influence on the world of Yuzen is major.

Born in Gifu in 1912, Yamada studied under the Yuzen artist Katsuma Nakamura from the age of 14. He learned the techniques of hand drawing Yuzen and wax dyeing. After winning successive prizes in the field of Yuzen, he became independent in 1951.

He studied the designs and patterns found in Noh and Kyogen costumes, influencing his work. He began exhibiting work at the Japan Traditional Crafts Exhibition in 1957 and three years later became a regular member. He was certified as a Living National Treasure in 1984 in the field of Yuzen.

He spent his later years teaching and training many apprentices, to ensure the beauty of Yuzen could be passed on. He passed away in 2002 at the age of 90.

The late Mr. Mitsugu Yamada was a major influence in the world of Japanese textiles with his bold compositions and vivid colors. His work centers around themes of nature, such as pine leaves, waves, fish, as well as more classical patterns. Using a whole host of different Yuzen techniques, brilliantly colored and precisely drawn lines captivate the viewer.

Ginza Motoji Japanese Dyeing: Living National Treasures Dyeing and Weaving Exhibition 2015

1912年 岐阜市に生まれる
1926年 14歳で友禅作家・中村勝馬(国指定重要無形文化財「友禅」保持者)に師事、友禅・臈纈ろうけつを学ぶ
1947年 第32回二科展工芸部に初入選 以後連続入選を果たす
1951年 友禅作家として独立
1957年 日本伝統工芸展に初出品
1968年 日本工芸会常任理事、染織部会長に就く
1971年 東京芸術大学美術学部講師(~1979年)
1977年 第24回日本伝統工芸展 日本工芸会賞(奨励賞)
1982年 世田谷区特別文化功労賞
1983年 勲四等瑞宝章を受章 1984年 重要無形文化財「友禅」保持者に認定 1985年 日本工芸会参与に就任 1998年 岐阜市ふるさと文化賞受賞 2002年 永眠