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  • 安藤宏子(あんどうひろこ
    ANDO, Hiroko.)

ANDO, Hiroko.
安藤宏子 絞り染

(English text below.)


銀座もとじ和染 2009年、2023年個展開催

ANDO, Hiroko.
Shibori (Tie-dyeing)

Sixty years of fascination with tie-dyeing、
Ando explores the history and techniques of Japanese Shibori, to tie-dyeing from around the world.

Using a variety of shibori techniques fostered through her long journey in textiles, Ando binds each piece of cloth by hand and dyes it with the comforting colors of natural dyes. These dyes rage from the traditional indigo to more uncommon colors made from various flowers, grasses, and trees. There are hundreds of different ways of making shibori textiles, Ando employs techniques such as Bungo shibori, hand spider shibori, and hikage shibori.

She first became interested in tie-dyeing at the age of 22, when her work took her to the shibori production regions of Arimatsu and Narumi for research. The more she researched, the more fascinated she became. Over the decades since then, she has systematized as many as 100 different types of Japanese shibori and has written numerous books.

She currently works at her studio "Yuso-an," which he calls "the hermitage of natural dyeing" and holds tie-dyeing classes called "Yuso-kai," where he teaches the charms of shibori.

Ginza Moji Japanese Dyeing Solo Exhibitions in 2009 and 2023

1942年 大分市出身
1989年 世界デザイン博覧会で、絞り染め大天井幕『清響』を名古屋市委託制作
1997年 ドイツ・クレフェルト染織美術館企画展「日本の絞り」監修
2008年 銀座ミキモト本店『安藤宏子展』他企画展多数
2010年 大分県文化芸術功労賞&大分県合同新聞社文化賞受賞