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  • 大島紬(おおしまつむぎ
    Oshima Tsumugi)

Oshima Tsumugi
大島紬 鹿児島県

(English text below.)

「憧れの着物」として、最盛期には年間28万反(1972年)生産されていた大島紬ですが、時代の流れの中でその生産数は年々減少し、現在は約5000反、その内、泥染めのものは約2500反ほどです。店主 泉二弘明は大島紬の故郷、奄美大島出身です。“大島紬の復活と可能性”を信じ、2012年2月、念願の「大島紬専門店」を作りました。店主の故郷とのつながりを活かして、銀座もとじでは豊富な品揃えと、産地直送ならではの安心価格でご紹介しています。

Oshima Tsumugi
Kagoshima Prefecture

The world's finest kasuri patterns and the deep luster of mud-dyed silk. The lightweight comfort and the supple rustle of the silk are a delight to wear.



This silk fabric made on the Amami Oshima Island is known forthe world's most exquisite kasuri patterns made on a shimebata loom, and characterized by its deep color dyed from mud and techiigi (Japanese apricot). It is lightweight, soft, and warm, and the more you wear it, the more it softens, and blends to the wearer.

Oshima tsumugi is completed through dozens of processes, from making the kasuri threads to the complex weaving stage.

During the Oshima Tsumugi boom in 1972, approximately 280,000 kimono were produced per year. Although now the number has been decreasing year by year and is currently about 5,000 kimono per annum. 2,500 of these are mud-dyed. Ginza Motojis founder, Koumei Motoji is originally from Amami Oshima, and beleives in the "revival and possibility of Oshima tsumugi", he opened "Oshima Tsumugi specialty store" in February 2012. Taking advantage of the owner's connection with his hometown, Ginza Moji offers a wide selection of products at reasonable prices, which can only be offered directly from the place of production.